Executive and Retirement Benefit Planning

Attracting and retaining top executive talent is critical to ensure the growth and long-term success of a business. One way employers do this is to offer a benefit that addresses a key concern of management and highly compensated employees – retirement planning. We can help evaluate a wide range of benefit options and design a plan that meets the needs of the employer and provides a valuable “golden handcuff” benefit to the executive. Such alternatives include:

  • Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans
  • 401(k) Mirror Plans with Optional Employer Match
  • “Safe Harbor” 401(k) Plans with Optional Profit Sharing Component
  • Section 162 Bonus and Restricted Bonus Plans
  • “Ineligible” Deferred Compensation Plans for Non-Profit Organizations
  • Qualified 412(i) “Fully Insured” and Traditional Defined Benefit Plans
  • Tax-Qualified Long-Term Care Executive Benefit Plans