Estate & Wealth Transfer Planning

The essence of estate planning is to ensure that the right assets are delivered to the right beneficiaries, in the right amount at the right time. Currently, the IRS takes up to 48% of an individual’s wealth when they die. Some assets (IRAs and qualified plan balances) are also subject to income tax in addition to the estate tax for a combined tax rate that can exceed 70%. While the estate tax is scheduled to be repealed in 2010 for only one year , there is currently some debate of making that repeal permanent. However, this should not prevent someone from implementing an estate plan. The estate tax has been enacted four times and repealed three times in past years! To preserve wealth and ensure a smooth business transition, regardless of the vagaries of the tax law and shifting political agendas, an estate plan is vital. We can help develop estate plan certainty and liquidity in the following areas:

  • Income Replacement
  • Estate Liquidity and Wealth Replacement
  • Charitable Planning